Using Git with Visual Studio Code


Review essential Git concepts

Committing…branching…what does that mean again?

What is Visual Studio Code

And why should you use it to write docs?

Demo: Help the Good Dogs Project

Where are you located exactly?

Git terminology review

Committing…branching…what does that mean again?


When you clone a repository, you copy the repository to your local machine

Fork and clone

Fork and clone

When you fork a repository, you create an independent copy of the repository that exists in GitLab under your namespace. Then you clone your fork to your local machine.



An independent line of development

Git branches


Saving your changes to your local repository

Git branches


Integrating changes from another branch

Git branches

What is Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful code editor designed by Microsoft.

It’s one of the most popular code editors out there for several reasons!

Code editing

With Visual Studio Code, you can:

  • Develop web applications with ease
  • Use VS Code’s Intellisense feature to help you catch any syntax errors

Text editing

You can also:

  • Write and edit text files written in languages like Markdown, AsciiDoc, or plain .txt files
  • Use VS Code’s extensions for authoring assistance

Version control

Git and VS Code go well together, too!

  • Run command Git commands in the built-in, integrated terminal
  • Use VS Code extensions to power up your Git workflow, like GitLens